Charlie is busy ruining the cord to my hoodie. Krounchkrounchkrounchkrounch.
It feels kind of funny to be done with Guyana. Since December, it's anchored my blog, with occasional diversions for orchids, snow, power outages, taxes, April Fool's jokes, and good old Chet Baker. I never thought I'd go that long, writing and posting about one place--sixty-four posts, at last count. But oh, what a place, and what an experience! I'm dizzy with the thought of plunging into Honduras now, of mining memory's feeble banks for another long tropical adventure, even as spring migrants flood into Ohio. There's a dissonance there, because spring in the Appalachian foothills is every bit as luscious as Honduras in March. What's a blogger to do?
Lucky, that's what I am, just flat out lucky to have had the chance to go to South and Central America, and to have the means and this venue to write about it, to show it all to you. I wouldn't have been asked to go unless I had
Bird Watcher's Digest graciously holding space for an article, and you, my readers, enough of you to make an audience.
I'm feeling particularly thankful these days. Thankful for my place in life, for a warm house, for my husband, who still likes hanging out with me, who makes me laugh like nobody else, and who has worked his heart out around the place this spring. Here's Liam, his vanilla Mini-Me.

Liam on the flatfile.
Thankful for my healthy smart children, who come to me with all the little mishaps and heartbreaks of the playground and high school halls, thankful that I can usually still fix things for them with a good dose of common sense.

Phoebe with her pets. Y'all have a serious, major, prolonged Chet Baker fix coming up.
I'm thankful for the peas coming up in my garden, for the little twin-leaved seedlings of lettuce and mustard and arugula. Thankful for the ovenbird who arrived and started singing yesterday afternoon. Thankful for the rain that's watering everything, and the south wind that's whipping all the little leaves out into full form.
I'm thankful for my friends, real and virtual, for the warm voice on the phone, the dinners and concerts together, or the spot-on message in my inbox. I'm amazed that the pack of them can make me feel so loved, even when I'm alone mostly all day.
And I'm thankful for the parrot on my shoulder, who smells of flowers and socks, and the warm, smooth little dog who stands on my lap as I write. His front paws on the desk, he straddles the keyboard, watches out the window for that darn squirtle who's been spooking around the yard. He knows not to step on the keys, and so does Charlie.

Photos by Chimpcam
That's something, to have friends like that.
Well, the title of your previous blog popped up on my blog site--and I thought "migrating"?
Dang, that Julie has been with birds so long she's taken wing herself.
Then, I thought--oh no, I hope this isn't a "leaving the world of blogging" message.
Not to worry--I tuned in to find "Interlude" with all the wondrous things that anchor your life.
Yes, I do love Chet Baker fixes, but I am equally fond of Phoebe, Liam and Charlie fixes too.
And Julie, among so many other good things in life, an ever growing number of blog readers are thankful for you and all that you bring to us !
ChimpCam? KEWL! Where do I subscribe to THAT?
I'm thankful for you too, Julie. And so excited about the upcoming exodus. We get you for more that an hour and a half? Weeeee!
Yes, lucky you are. Fortunate woman. Having built a wonderous life.
We miss you in Backyard Birds. But enjoy and learn from you here.
Virtual friends can truly enrich one's life.
Bird away & Blog on . . .
And we are thankful for YOU and Charlie and Chet and Liam and Phoebe, and Bill of the Birds. Very thankful for your generosity in sharing your wonderful life. Ya'll rock.
I loved Guyana through your eyes.
You are truly blessed, Julie. Not only with what you mentioned, but with a great attitude! So many forget to count their blessings, but not you!
I'll be back!
I'm worried - What will I do without my daily dose of Zick?
Will you provide directions so we can find you, or will your old URL send us to the new place?
Don't scare me, I'm old and my heart can't take it.
~Kathi, inviting you to the Farmhouse at New River for wine and laughs with The Flock
You know, Julie, for all the wonderful places you take us, it's these accounts most normal I love best.
The reminders that you're sitting in a hoodie, tapping at the laptop, family in the other room, garden planted steps from your back door.
Reminders that, in all the different places we may go and see, there's a normal part of each of us, appreciating the simplest things right here.
So rich.
Nina said it all so well! ditto.
That is a lot to be thankful, it means a lot to have a caring mom, it makes the whole household happy. Happy Earth Day to all of you.
I like going on a trip without leaving the farm.
Chet Baker fixes can make up for a cold rainy overcast Earth Day.
I like the fact that I can "substitute" your delightful ( I don't have to be with them all day) children as proxy grandkids on occasion.
I like the fact that you and your blog are not pretentious.
Then again I like you and your clan.
Blog On.
It's been a delight to see Guyana through your eyes, especially since I know I will never see it with my own. You really know how to look around. I love seeing you at home with your kids and your Chet, your Charlie and your rescued Ovenbirds, and your very sweet sweetheart. The details extracted from the daily ordinariness of an extraordinary life.
Charlie looks great, as do you and the kiddies. I think it time you do a whole bunch of columns on the birds of Ridgefield CT. hint hint.
That puppy has soul. Deep, deep soul.
I'm thankful, also. Thankful for days spent reminiscing about life on Indigo Hill back in the days when it was my home away from home. Thankful to have you to drop off that darling ovenbird to - is he really singing?!?. Thankful for lovely phone conversations about dramatic childhood anxieties. And thankful to have your Guyana trip to wade through with the kids, making you Bella's favorite teacher after the cashew post :-). Kiss everyone for me, including that wet Chet nose and smooth Charles beak. I love you all.
Julie, interesting blog!
You are living the life! We are all blessed that you share you and yours with all of us. Life is grand!
See you in WV! I am SO excited!
I enjoyed seeing Guyana through you. And I have always enjoyed seeing all the cool things that your life in Ohio shows me, too. I'm glad you're home, I was tired for you!
Were you able to get any painting in while you were away?
Blog on, Science Chimp, Mether, lover of Red Admirals, and emphatic Leo! Thanks for YOU!
I love this post; thanks for reminding us to count our blessings now and then. Especially the little ones: they add right up.
I'm thankful for you too Julie, for sharing your family, birding adventures and knowledge with us. You have enriched my life!
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