Is a blog the place to reveal one's deepest thoughts, insecurities, and fears? Is it a romp through daisies? A place for shameless self-promotion? A place to talk about your dog's flatulence? A blog can be all of these things. The tricky part for me is keeping a balance. I'm afraid that if I hit you over the head with this thing I'm trying to get out into the world, you'll say, "Uck. I'm just here for bluebirds" (or copperheads, or Boston terrier pictures, or whatever...) I don't want to violate your trust. I don't want to be crass.
Phew. Having confessed that, I would like to give you a link to an archived radio interview for WOSU Columbus' Open Line talk show. Host Bob Singleton had obviously read the advance galley of Letters from Eden and asked some really fun questions. The interview is here.
When you get to the OpenLine archive page, just scroll down until you find the July 21 show. I think my favorite moment in the interview is when a faithful subscriber to Bird Watcher's Digest calls. She's 89 and very sweet.
I like doing radio interviews, though I get so excited that I come off as kind of intense and nerdy. I talk too fast and just get all balled up in the thrill of it. You can almost hear me panting. There will be a bunch of interviews coming up though, as the book gets closer to its release date of October 4, so maybe I'll have a chance to display some coolness in the repetition.
If you'd like to find out more about the book, I'm taking advance orders on my web site. You can read a bit about it here
and you can actually order it here.
Most computer-savvy people automatically go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble for books. If you order it from me, I will inscribe it to you. Amazon can't do that. So that's worth something, I think. It has been a blast to keep a list of people wanting this book sent to them. 71 and counting. A couple of orders arrive every day. I'll have copies in mid-September and will be sending madly thereafter. Just can't wait. I have this vision of the studio full of cases of books and me and the kids wrapping and stuffing them to send. It's a good picture.
End of ad. Back to the flatulent Boston terrier, he of the dangly soft jowls.

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