For those new to this blog, we have a 42' tall birding tower atop our house. It lets us see incredible things, opens up our eyes to the glory all around us. Many of our 184 species of birds have been seen first from this tower.
The tower is in its prime in May, September and October. Not only can you hear for a ridiculous distance all around, but you can see flyovers for miles. And oh, the trees. The beautiful trees.

Before it's too long gone, I have to show you some of the fall splendor we enjoyed from the birding tower on Indigo Hill. I look at these pictures, with the leaves now gone nearly a month, and can't believe what a feast it was. But it's gone until next October, and I'm glad I took so many photos.

The gold trees in the foreground are mostly sassafras, with some tupelo (red) worked in.
I suppose I could work on some kind of tourism board for southern Ohio, a place that probably does not spring to mind as a prime fall destination. But it is. It is achingly gorgeous. And it is in spring, too, except that the golds are replaced by filmy reds and greens and yellow.
The north view off the tower. All our weather comes from here.

Now panning northeast, turning clockwise:

East view, the front yard and vegetable garden (with Liam on a tire swing):

and looking south, down the meadow.

The sumac in the meadow was spectacular this year, painting a tapestry of reds and golds.

While the sunshine shots are lovely,

I really dig the way autumn foliage looks when skies are leaden.
That same north view looks so different on a blue-grey day, especially when some of the leaves have fallen.

There's a fairy tale quality to the landscape.

I click and click, hoping to capture those qualities of light. Oh, my.

Oh, my oh my.
If you're intrigued by the tower and want to learn more, read the full story of its conception and execution at my web site, under
Writings/A Room With a View.
Monday, November 30, 2009