DATE: March 23, 2007
TIME: 7:30 - 9 p.m.
LOCATION: Drumlin Farm Nature Center, 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, MA, 01773
TITLE OF PROGRAM: "Letters from Eden"
FORMAT OF TALK: "'Letters from Eden' is a naturalist's journal, telling the countless small stories of the woods and meadows in flowing prose and lively watercolors. Copperheads strike; starlings battle and become prey; bullfrogs snap up hummingbirds in these essays. Reading from her work while showing her paintings and photographs, this renowned bird artist and writer will reveal the deep connection with nature that keeps her walking her 80-acre Appalachian sanctuary."
Yeah. All that. And this:
DATE: March 25, 2007
TIME: 2 p.m.
LOCATION: Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St., Cambridge
TITLE OF PROGRAM: "Hummingbird Summer: Living with Birds"
FORMAT OF TALK: "Author and bird artist Julie Zickefoose spent a summer as surrogate mom to four ruby-throated hummingbirds after a storm dismantled their nests. It was a life-changing experience, followed the next summer with a similar experience taking care of seven chimney swifts. She documented the young birds' development with photography, sketches, and life paintings. Join us for an illustrated talk about these mysterious birds, and how feathered creatures weighing less than a penny can turn a person's life upside down."
Photo by Bill Thompson III On a temple in Tikal, Guatemala.
Come see me!! I'm goin' to Boston! Remember: If you're a blog devotee, be sure to quickly blurt, "BLOG!" as you approach. That way, I'll know you know waaaay too much about me, my kids, my husband, and my little cute doggie, and we'll proceed from there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to look for my cellphone charger. Did you know that two bottles of Zickefoose wine weigh 14 lb. and take up about 1/3 of your suitcase?
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