Background Switcher (Hidden)

About That Kestrel

Saturday, March 8, 2025



Around January 22, 2025, a beautiful little falcon appeared, hanging around Jess' garage in Devola, Ohio. The bird couldn't fly much at all, but it managed to get atop a lawnchair, where it would perch, looking out at the wide fields stretching to the Muskingum River. At one point, Jess found it hiding in her garage. This went on for a few days. Jess knew something was wrong, so she asked her bird-loving friend Shelley what to do, and Shelley led her to me.

I went over, armed with leather gloves, a butterfly net, and a cat carrier, and swiftly had the female American kestrel in hand.  A quick check revealed no broken bones, but she was flightless, so I looked closer and found some matted feathers and abrasions on the underside of her right wing. It turned out they were rakes in the flesh of the biceps and triceps, which would certainly impede flight. I put a snap-trapped mouse in the carrier with her and headed northwest, for Coshocton, where Airmid Place, a new home rehab center, is located. It was almost a two-hour drive. She was well worth it. A quick dropoff and turnaround and I was headed home again, a day spent for a good bird.  She had eaten half the mouse by the time we got to Coshocton. That was a great sign! I could only imagine how hungry she was, after several days of immobility in the intense cold.

I was delighted to learn from Shane Pyle, proprietor, that her prognosis was excellent. He put her on antibiotics and pain medications and wrapped the injured wing. 

The weeks ticked by and the kestrel's wing healed, was unwrapped, and she was transferred to a flight aviary to build her strength back. Finally I got a text from Shane that she'd be ready to go on Saturday, March 8. This time he met me halfway, for which I was grateful. 

This little lady came in at 97 gm, and was going home at 118 gm. Shane said that he has to keep kestrels under about 130 gm or they'll be too fat to fly. I thought about my bats, Stella and Mirabel, who got too fat to fly, and what it took to get the weight off them and get them flying right. I never got a bat too fat again.

Here's Shane Pyle, owner/operator of Airmid Place.

He loves kestrels and said it was an honor to keep her while she healed. I felt the same about being her driver! Driving Miss Weezie. (I named her in honor of my friend Matt Mullenix's mother, a fiery and brilliant Louisiana lady-in-the-truest-sense who passed away in late February). Like a beautiful little bird, she is. And Matt is a world-renowned expert on falconry with the American kestrel. So.

I drove along the Muskingum, through the floodplain farm fields, past the old, old homes.

We got to Jess' home just before 11AM (not bad for leaving the house at 9!) She had assembled a nice little gaggle of excited kids who were waiting to see the release of the famous falcon.

Way back when I was a young rehabber a crowd like this crowding around a wild bird would have rattled me. Now I say, "Give the kids a look!" A small price for the kestrel to pay to get back her soundness and her life, and you never know whose life direction it might change.

Please pardon my release technique. I should have taken the carrier apart, in retrospect, and let her launch out of the top. Instead I had to clumsily dump her out. She didn't want to leave the safety of the dark carrier and kept scuttling way to the back when I tried to get her out. Who can blame her?

Real-time video by Jessica Black.

And now for the slow-motion video by Shila Wilson! 

She circled three times and fetched up in a distant treeline, the lone tree on the right. Her flight was strong and beautiful. Weezie perched up there for about 15 minutes, surveying the fields she knows so well. Then, when we weren't watching, she vanished into the clear blue.

Here are some stills from Shila's video. Oh, is she lovely!

See ya! Thanks for the mice and the rides!

Deepest gratitude to Shane for healing, feeding and exercising this little jewel since late January, that she may arrow through the Devola skies again! If you'd like to contribute, here's Airmid Place's website. Be sure to say it's for the kestrel!

Óscar Turns 30!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


  Óscar Jesús Bello Goya is a man of very few possessions. After all, in January 2024, he picked up everything that he owned and put it in two suitcases to come to America to be with his love, Phoebe. After a courthouse wedding within days of his arrival (by his fiancée visa, they had to get married within 90 days of his final arrival here) he and Phoebe have been living together in the USA for over a year. He's got his green card and a job, too! He's learning to use all kinds of electric tools. He's learned to drive (there was no need to on the island; he biked to work); gotten his driver's license; he's gotten so much practice on English and is getting so good!

He's also learning to survive an Indiana winter, and as NO FUN as it's been in Ohio, it's been worse there. Brrrrr!! 

I’ve been observing this charming and unusual man since early 2019, and I can say that they broke the mold when they made Óscar. The one thing he loves most besides Phoebe, his family and friends and the ocean is... food. Ohh yes. It's food. He definitely came to the right wife and mother-in-law.

 And that food must be swimming in olive oil (note bottle on table by his place!) Really, really good olive oil. It goes on everything. Sometimes even on dessert...I’ve seen him buy cases of EVOO from Lebanon, and cases from Spain. Wherever we travel, if there’s an olive oil store, he’s going from tap to tap, holding up the cup, squinting at the color and cloudiness, tossing it back, a thoughtful look on his face. To say he’s a connoisseur is putting it mildly. He’s got particular tastes, and not just any oil will do. He's a purist.

 My sister-in-law, Jade, had a fabulous idea for the Thompsons to pool our funds and get him a gift certificate to OliveOilLovers. com. We each threw in $50 and this is what happened. (Some of these he already had; he's just gloating over the spoils of all the oil he owns).

photo by Phoebe

Phoebe said he was like a kid on Christmas morning. Pretty adorable. This made him so happy. I’d say we created a monster, but he was already a Cookie Monster for food and olive oil. A very handsome one, but definitely a monster. There’s no going back now. The olive oil genie is out of the bottle, and he’s not going to fit back inside.

Photo by Phoebe

 Judging from his buttery skin and that thick, shiny auburn hair that seems to grow an inch a week, I think he’s onto something. I couldn’t eat that much olive oil in a sitting. I couldn’t eat that much in a year. I’ll just be over here quietly drying up and blowing away. But I would like to see if I can help keep him in EVOO for awhile. 

 Oscar turns 30 on Saturday, February 22, 2025. UPDATE: Here, around 7 pm on Feb. 19, I posted solicitation for anyone who felt like contributing to send a small gift via my blog donation button or a direct link. SOME PEOPLE didn't follow the DIRECTIONS and they were FAR too generous. Everyone was! This boy is SET for olive oil for quite some time to come! It's now 11 AM Feb. 20 and with a sheepish laugh I'm pulling the plug on this spur of the moment "campaign." Man. The power of a guapito reclining before an array of bottles, and the power of a long-distance love story for the ages...

Obviously. many of you lovely people wanted to help keep our Oscie in olive oil! (Who wouldn't?) Here's a heartfelt THANK YOU from his doting mother-in-law. He is still in the dark about this; after all, it's not his birthday yet. But you have a treat coming. When Phoebe tells him, she's going to have her iPhone at the ready for his reaction. Stay tuned!  I, for one, cannot wait!

I call this the Burt Reynolds shot. Minus the bearskin. Photo by Phoebe.

It’s a “Welcome to America, happy 30th birthday, congratulations on your wedding, and we’re so glad you’re here!” for one very deserving, occasionally homesick, and freezing cold Spanish lifeguard. I know that nothing could make him happier! 

**I am being very sneaky about this. I put a teaser on Facebook, using the feature whereby you can block a certain person from seeing your post. I'm not putting it on Instagram, because he would see it right away. And he doesn't visit my blog because it's too difficult to read just yet. So if this works, it will surprise the heck out of the dear boy, and delight him beyond telling. I loove a surprise! Thank you so much! Y'all are absolutely the BEST!

Curtis and the Ghost Bone

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Writing on January 12, the Ghost Bone has shrunk from over 9" to just 4" long. Curtis has been happily chewing it whenever he's hongry and it's not mealtime yet, or whenever I have house guests or a phone conversation and he wants to be part of it. But it wasn't always so...

 Curtis got the nickname Krampus at Christmas 2023 because he absolutely insisted on opening every gift before its recipient could have it. It was adorable, but it made the unwrapping process take hours upon hours. He is a very slow, nitpicky gift opener, tearing tiny shreds of paper away, savoring the process. 

So this Christmas I got him several alluring chewy treats (they have to be real; no toys or Nylabones for this primitive dog) and he spent almost the entire gift opening session finishing one small bully stick. Great! Krampus was occupied. In the center of everything, happy, but occupied. Surrounded by tiny shreds of giftwrap. And we were no longer his present prisoners.

 When he was done with that he started spelunking among the gifts and he found a huge collagen roll (who knows what that is--connective tissue, probably, but not rawhide, which is bad for him--and started in working on it. Perfect! 

He chewed on the bully stick and then the big collagen roll for so long I knew his jaws must be aching so after everything was cleaned up I took the big toy from him and put it high on the mantel overhead where there was no possibility he could reach it. I told him just to ask a human if he wanted it back, and we went about our merry business, me preparing a meal of prime rib, Hasselback potatoes, green beans and salad. The kids spent some time going through their loot and trying things on. 

You can see where I put the collagen roll in this sweet picture of Liam and Ayla. It's that foot-long tan-colored thing. Near the edge, but by no means hanging over it. There it would stay until the next sunny day, when I could let him out to chew it on the lawn.

Everybody gorged on the prime rib and sides, which miraculously got done by about 1 pm, and they'd all taken off for their next destinations by 2 pm. 

Curtis and I absolutely collapsed. It had been such a sweet but intense Christmas, and now it was over, just like that. 

I went downstairs to bed by 9 pm, leaving Curtis on his favorite couch. I was deep in a beautiful dream--it must have been about 1 AM--when Curtis whined at my door. I very reluctantly struggled up out of the dream, with no idea why Curtis chose to wake me. Was his stomach upset? I let him in, but instead of jumping up onto the bed, he circled the room a couple of times then stood looking out the greenhouse door. I could see him there, in the moonlight. What in the world? 

I shone my iPhone flashlight on him and there he stood, the giant collagen roll sticking straight out of his mouth like a huge cigar. He had brought it downstairs to show me. I will tell you that this is absolutely atypical of him. He is not a dog who meets you at the door, carrying a toy. Nor does he carry them from room to room. He just doesn't carry stuff around. Probably because he has no lower incisors and is missing a top right canine (thanks to no vet care in his first four years, and his penchant for pulling roots when he's digging) And yet here he was, in the screaming middle of the night, wanting me to see that he had this coveted bone.

But how had he gotten ahold of it? How indeed? That chew toy was a good 6 1/2 feet above the floor. There was absolutely no way he could have jumped up to reach it. 

In the  morning, I texted the kids to ask if anyone had taken it down for him. No, they hadn't. And a photo I took of the Christmas tree--you can see the time stamp of Wednesday, 4:05 pm--two hours after everyone left--shows it still firmly in place on the mantel. Inaccessible. I certainly hadn't given it to him, or touched it at all, before going to bed.

My mind turned in circles there in the dark as Curtis settled in to sleep. Needless to say, between his snoring, hogging the bed, and cutting bully stick farts, and my brain racing around wondering what the hell had just happened, I didn't get much more sleep that Boxing Day morning.

How did he get ahold of that roll? I decided it could only have been Bill's doing.
He loved Christmas morning. I'm sure he was in that room with us, and it seems he hung around into the  night, maybe sitting on the couch with Curtis, looking at the Christmas tree.

I texted the kids to ask how they thought Curtis got ahold of it. 

Liam: "Maybe Dad flew by and knocked it over?"

Phoebe: "I am sure Daddy knocked it down and scared him. I remember thinking it was funny when you told Curt to just ask one of us when he wanted to get it down. He must have sent a message at some point and since none of us answered, Daddy did."

Short of an earthquake (which didn't happen) or a rat (which we don't have, and it's too big and heavy to be moved by a mouse), I cannot come up with anything other than telekinesis that could have made that toy fall from its secure position on the mantel. I mean, look at it! 6.25 oz. it weighs. And it's square sided. It wouldn't have rolled.

Telekinesis seems about Bill's style, and the middle of the night was always when he came alive. 

I remember once when I told Bill that Chet Baker was sitting there staring at me, sending me pictures of a treat. I don't remember what treat it was, just that I got the message (and picture) loud and clear, and got up to give him what he'd asked for.

Bill scoffed, as men often feel they must. The unexplainable scared him, I guess.

(Until he became the unexplainable, and now he enjoys messing with the ones he left behind.)

 I shrugged. "You just wait 'til he sends you a picture." I should have said, "You just wait 
'til you're open to his mind pictures." Because animals are always sending them. 
It's our reception that's bad.

It wasn't many days later that Bill came up off the living room couch, saying, "That dog just sent me a picture of a little bowl of ice cream!"

I smiled. "Oh, so you got his message? Well, get him a little bowl of ice cream*!"
*(teebo icekeem)

I dragged myself out of bed on Boxing Day and gave the roll to Curtis in the morning. He really, really wanted to take it outside. I knew better than to let him, but who could say no to this soulful, dome-skulled boy, his tail waving hopefully?

First he carried it to the place where he chews and piles his bones, in the middle of the yard. And the next time I looked out it was gone, and Curtis with it.

I stood and listened hard for the jingle of his collar bell. And there it was, tinkling on the edge of the woods. Curtis had shoved the bone up under a fallen tree and packed lots of soil around it. He was about to cover all that with leaves when I swooped in and rescued the bone from certain death by mold.

He'd really packed that soil with his nose and paws! But I clawed it out from under the log.

Good job, Curtis! But we're taking this back indoors. We'll give it a wash.

Am I going to have to ask Daddy for it again? 

I reckon so, Curtis Loew. You and your ghost bone.

A Spark Bird for Liam?

Sunday, January 5, 2025


On New Year's Eve, Phoebe, Liam, and I were texting about remembering to notice our first bird of 2025 the next morning. Liam was already back in Columbus, but Phoebe and Oscar were still here with me in Whipple. Liam got very excited about going to an actual birding place on New Year's Day and trying to see a really cool bird. A birding co-worker had told him about Pickerington Ponds Metropark south of Columbus, which is the only place I've ever seen sandhill cranes in breeding season in Ohio. Oh, YES. Go there, Liam and Ayla! Go there!

(Sadly, they were not as well protected from cold on New Year's Day as they were the day before Thanksgiving, when we went to see cranes in Indiana! Didn't have me there with the giant duffel full of Michelin Man down parkas...)

I was at Pickerington Ponds in February, 2016, and it was fulla ducks and I'm almost sure the cranes were there as well. If you look hard you can see some ducks flying over this beautiful barn, a signature sight at the park.

So he and Ayla climbed in the car, innocent of binoculars or field guide, because they don't own either. I was of course writhing with frustration, but there was nothing I could do about it from two hours away. Believe me I was tempted to drive up with the right gear. My boy wants to bird? I am ON that like Bluebonnet!

I knew they'd have fun with the water and the open sky, and I figured they'd see something cool, binoculars or none.

It wasn't long before I got a call. "Ma? We're looking at some ducks with a white spot on the head. Do you know what they might be?"

Well, they could be several things, this time of year. Buffleheads. Goldeneyes, for two. Liam said he thought the white spot was behind the eye. OK, that narrows it down...

"Can you take even a horrible cellphone photo of them?"

I got these a few minutes later, just what I'd asked for.

Ayla had thought to bring a small astronomical telescope, hand-held, and she somehow held her phone up to its eyepiece and got...something. But in this one I could eke out enough to figure out what they were.

I studied the photos. "Am I seeing cocked tails here?"

"Yes!" Liam answered. "Their tails are cocked!"

I fired back with some shots of my Sibley guide, opened to the pages I knew had the answer.

When Liam realized the mystery birds were hooded mergansers, his excitement knew no bounds. "That's so COOL!!" he kept exclaiming. 

It IS so cool! I could have gone to Pickerington Ponds with Liam and Ayla, and shown them those mergansers through a proper telescope, and I'm sure they'd have been pleased. The whole difference was that he and Ayla found them themselves, had no idea what they were, were burning to know, and figured out how to get the information they needed to identify them. (call Ma).

I know damn well I was about three times as excited as they were. THIS!!

Phoebe was to drive up and have lunch with Liam on her way home with Oscar today, Jan. 5. So the second I hung up with Liam, I started making a birdwatcher's care package. First, of course, was a pair of 10 power Swarovski binoculars, one of my spares. (I find I carry the smaller, lighter 8 power).

I put a brand new bino bra on them, with a Zick-decorated leather shield.

Next was the field guide his dad and I had worked together on, with help from Phoebe's fourth-grade class focus group at Salem-Liberty Elementary. Why, that's Phoebe on the cover!

Bill wrote it, and I did many of the illustrations (My dear friend Mike DiGiorgio did lots of the western species). 

I also wrote the WOW facts.

I included a lens cleaning kit for the binoculars, with a lens cloth with my photo on it. Phoebe had found this red-morph screech-owl along the driveway when she was coming home from work around 9:30 one night when she was in high school. She came in the house, grabbed a flashlight, told me to get my big camera, and said she was going to show me something. 
She literally led me by the hand across the yard and just down the little hill in the driveway. She whispered that I'd have probably only one chance to take the shot. She flicked on the light, found the owl, shone it; I took the shot, and the owl flew away.

And the shot was perfect. We had no right whatsoever to get a good shot, but somehow we did. Angry bird! SUCH a great moment, captured forever, never to be repeated.

February 28, 2013, 9:28 PM.

Then I wrote a card to go along with it all. Now that's what you call home-cookin'.

I had to tell Liam how I'd been waiting for this moment for 25 years, and how excited I was that it was finally here. And that the perfect time to start birding is exactly when you start. 

I hope he'll remember that whenever he puts these old Swarovskis on. I hope he takes this moment forward in his life, and opens the door wider to the joy of birdwatching. Ayla, I'm counting on you to get him out in nature and noticing everything around him. You two can learn together. My mama's heart is full to bursting. 

If you're going to find a bird on your own, THIS is a mighty fine one to find. A spark bird for Liam? 

Time will tell. No pressure, darling boy. No pressure at allllll.....

                                    From the website of the Rosamund Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, NY.                                                                    

Isn't it lovely that the first bird Liam found on his own was this insanely cool little fish-catching                                                                   duck? May there be many more.

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