I'm an artist and writer who lives in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio. With this blog, I hope to show what happens when you make room in your life, every day, for the things that bring you joy. Strange...most of them are free.
Thurs. Feb. 27, 2020, 7 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at
Mt. St. Joseph University Theater, 5701 Delhi Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45233. Doors open 6:30 pm.
For info call Colleen McSwiggin (513) 244-4864
Mar. 11-15, 2020: Bird Friendly Backyard workshop and Saving Jemima talk at Joint Conference, N. Am.
Bluebird Society/Bluebirds Across Nebraska, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Kearney, NE. Right in the middle of
sandhill crane migration! Call (308) 237-5971 for reservations.
Mon. Mar. 23, 2020, 6 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at Morgan Co. Master Gardeners Event, Twin City Opera House, 15 W. Main St., McConnelsville, OH. Free and open to the public. Call (740) 962-4854 for information.
Sun. Mar. 29, 2020, 3 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at
Sunday With Friends,, Washington Co. Public Library, 205 Oak Hill St. NE, Abingdon, VA 24210. For more information, call (276) 676-6390
Apr. 30-May 2, 2020: Julie Zickefoose at New River Birding Festival, Opossum Creek Retreat, Fayetteville, WV. Friday night keynote: Saving Jemima. Curtis Loew, miracle curdoggie, presiding.
May 7, 2020, 7 pm: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at Campus Martius Museum, Washington and Third Streets, Marietta, OH. Booksigning after. If you missed the Esbenshade lecture/ People's Bank talk in November 2019, this is your event!
Weds. May 13 2020, 5:30 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center's event at Essex Meadows, 30 Bokum Rd., Essex, CT 06426
This event is open to the public.
Thurs. May 14 2020, 6 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at New Haven Bird Club's Annual Banquet, Amarante's Restaurant, 62 Cove St., New Haven, CT 06512. This event is open to the public!
Sat. May 16, 2020: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" for Bergen Co. Audubon Society at
Meadowlands Environment Center, 2 DeKorte Park Plz, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Time to be announced. Call (201) 460-1700 for more info.
Sun. May 17, 2020, 2 PM: "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at White Memorial Conservation Center, 80 Whitehall Rd., Litchfield, CT 06759. Call (860) 567-0857 for information.
Tues. May 19, 2020, 7 PM: Good Reads on Earth Author Series, by PRI's Living On Earth with Julie Zickefoose and Saving Jemima at Mass Audubon's Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, 208 South Great Rd., Lincoln MA 01773. Includes audience participation, and will be taped for airing on public radio! Get the book first, read up and call (781) 259-2200 for information.
Thurs. May 21, 2020 6 pm: Julie Zickefoose, "Saving Jemima: Life and Love with a Hard-luck Jay" at
Bigelow Chapel, Mount Auburn Cemetery, 580 Mt. Auburn St. Cambridge MA 02138. Call (617) 547-7105 for more info.
Olive oil is a Very Big Deal for Oscar Bello Goya. He cooks with it, pours it over his food, and spends a good amount of time thinking about it, selecting it, and enjoying it every single day.
When we ask him what he wants for his birthday or Christmas, it's always olive oil. Imagine. (Says the woman with the Filippo Berlio cooking oil in the clear plastic bottle, and a small bottle of Trader Joe's Extra Virgin for salads.) I mean, I know enough to know you cook with cooking grade oil and make salad dressing with EVOO. I know when I'm dredging my crusty bread in something bright grass green and incredibly nice at a good restaurant. I swoon. But I don't generally treat myself to that kind of thing. I just didn't grow up appreciating olive oil. I probably never even tasted it until I was in my mid-twenties!
You all were so generous when I asked for some contributions toward olive oil for Oscar's 30th birthday. We were humbled. I put his birthday post up in the evening and when I got up the next morning I gasped and immediately removed the donation solicitation from the post. I mean, enough! So generous. So enthusiastic. And we are so grateful! Oscar gets his olive oil at oliveoillovers, the best source he's found for exquisite oils from around the world.
I made a couple of videos when I was last in Indiana, of Oscar cooking his amazing Spanish tortilla (a big wheel of eggy deliciousness with fried potatoes in the center and a dash of curry and a ton of olive oil poured over top). It's soooo good. Oscar got a certification in kitchen operations at IES San Sebastian de La Gomera, on his home island in the Canary chain.
I have had the great pleasure of Oscar and Phoebe's company over their spring break. Last night I made a little video of Oscar administering a very fine olive oil which was a gift from Liam. It's a varietal called Hojiblanca (white leaf) and it's from a company named A Twist on Olives in Westerville, Ohio. This stuff is as smooth as it gets, without the throat-burning bitterness of some great olive oils that sort of baffles me. The thing is, olive oil is meant to be drizzled over foods that will cut that burn and turn it into a peppery asset. You aren't really supposed to guzzle it straight.
Hojiblanca EVOO gets Oscar's vote, and mine, too. This was our Thanksgiving in March meal. I roasted a turkey breast and did my best to make good gravy from it; Oscar made mashed potatoes, and I made some pretty fab lima bean and carrot succotash. YUM. It was a proper feast, but every night they've been home has seen a feast. Gravy is an unknown thing in the Canary Islands, but Oscar has taken to it like a duck to water. Every meal I make with gravy he tells me is his favorite American food. :) I have to look aside when he pours olive oil on top of my American gravy.
My kids seem never to be happier than when they're tucking into a feast here at home. When I was a teen and college student, highly peripatetic and apt to be out biking and birding when 6 pm rolled around, I couldn't understand why everything in my parents' house had to revolve around meals. Now, as the meal provider, I get it, totally and completely. Meals were when we got together. That was when we talked and caught up together. Nobody but my busy mom stood and ate over the sink in my house, growing up, the way I often do now. And when my kids are here, we plan around meals.
Look at that smile. He can't wait to tuck in!
Now for a few tips on selecting olive oil. Oscar doesn't just taste it, but he looks carefully at it, as well. He likes a strong, clear color, which can vary from pale straw yellow to emerald green. He checka to see that it's fresh and recently pressed (you can't age olive oil the way you can let wine age; fresher is better). Olives are harvested in October, November and December.
You should be able to see on the label where the oil is from. Oscar prefers Spanish oils.
Oscar likes to see cloudy stuff in the bottom of the bottle; he says that's the sign of a good olive oil.
Olive oil is usually sold in opaque, dark green bottles, and that's because light destroys its unique properties. Oscar keeps his oil in a closed cabinet. For that reason, olive oil sold in clear plastic or glass bottles is likely to be less than top grade.
There are cooking oils, and oils that are not meant to be subjected to heat. I do buy Bertolli and Filippo Berlio oil for cooking, and that often comes in a clear bottle. Extra virgin (EVOO), sold in opaque bottles, is not used for cooking but for dipping and garnishing, and for salad dressing.
In this video, Oscar introduces his top three oils, and talks a bit about why he likes them. I thought you would enjoy hearing from him in his own kitchen. Please accept our sincere thanks for making his 30th birthday so very special. I trust you can tell how happy a good olive oil can make him. With your generosity, he'll be sitting pretty for quite awhile!
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