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NPR Zick Alert! Purple Tomatoes!

Friday, August 20, 2010

After a long drought, I'll be on National Public Radio's All Things Considered this afternoon, sometime after 4 pm ET, exulting about some strange purple tomatoes that grew on my heirloom plants. As you know, I love messing about with plants and seeds, but then so do bumblebees. So I got a surprise when my seed-grown babies finally bore fruit.

Here are the tired old snap beans in the foreground. See those tiny white blossoms? They keep making dinner for me. So they get to live.

The purple tomatoes on the hoof.

Zinnias, a florist's strain called "Blue Point." Much the finest zinnias since "Yoga," also a Shepherd's Garden Seeds offering.

Man, it feels good to be back on the air. Listen in. Go to the story page on the NPR site, register if you haven't already (it takes a matter of seconds), and leave a comment. Hit Recommend at the top of the story page. Let 'em know you liked it (if you did). I don't want any more long NPR droughts. I need radio like I need Boston terriers, katydids and strange purple tomatoes.

Thanks for your support, as always and ever.


Awesome! I love All Things Considered - in fact, I think I want to be you when I grow up. :)

Those look like they might be Cherokee Purple tomatoes. They are some of the heirlooms that will do well for us in the Texas Hill Country. Many take too long to grow and burn up before they make tomatoes.

I have Cherokee Purples this year and they're magnificent (no thanks to me). Julie, I read your NPR article and I see yours might be a different cross altogether. Be fun to see what comes of the seeds next year.

Kathy H. in Pennsylvania

I enjoyed your NPR story of the purple tomatoes. It brought back happy memories of some garden adventures.

Thanks too, for recently referring to Jim McCormac's Blog, which was new to me. His post yesterday of the Mississippi Kite nest in Ohio and the pictures of the kites (by Tim Daniel) are super.

My oh my. I turned the radio on to NPR on my way home from work Friday and heard a wonderful story about beans, purple tomatoes, cicadas and crickets. I wasn't sure who was speaking, but I recognized it all. Whether on radio or in print, your heart and spirit are always familiar. Thank you for what you do and who you are.

So happy for your strange purple tomatoes :)

Purples tomatoes! We got monster tomato plants in my pre-school... purple tomatoes sound cool for next year!

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