Not only does Debby Kaspari create beauty on her drawing board and in her sketchbooks, but she creates it all around. Here's her Oklahoma deck, where she and I shared a bottle of Australian wine and talked about everything and nothing.

The water garden, just off the deck, astounded me. There was a biological filter of iris and other water plants, the roots taking the nitrates out of the water, aided by a recirculating pump. Obviously, it was working perfectly, in stark contrast to the cauldron of pea soup that my little water garden is this spring. Ploop, ploop.

Larkspur all around.

And later in the season, coleus and zinnias in perfect bronzy harmony. Debby is a colorist of the first rank.

Deb's garden was a painting in itself, ever-changing, an outward manifestation of the creativity and beauty within her.
On May 4, Debby posted this photo on Facebook, with the tagline:
Why spring in Oklahoma totally rocks!

Lazuli and painted bunting at the feeder at one time. And she also had indigo buntings, plus an indigo x lazuli hybrid.
Her artwork celebrates the beauty of plants as much as it does that of birds and animals.
Irises from her own garden:

A jack in the pulpit found deep in the Harvard Forest:

When I visited in April, we took an evening walk around the circle of her rural subdivision. The honey locusts were in full bloom. It wasn't just the wine--we were drunk on the Oklahoma spring!

People are fond of saying that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I believe that, and sometimes that platitude just doesn't fit. The tsunami that hit Banda Aceh, Indonesia in January, 2005 is one thing that didn't need a reason, and can't be glorified or justified with a reason anybody could come up with no matter how convoluted their thinking.
But I would like to think that my trip to Oklahoma to appreciate all that Debby and Mike have done to make the world more beautiful had a reason. I feel blessed that I experienced that, blessed to have seen the gardens and listened to the waterfall and slept under their roof, blessed to have nosed around her upstairs studio and peeked into the flat files full of her paintings and drawings.

Blessed to have walked out that evening to put our noses to the honey locust blossoms, blessed to have witnessed it all.
You are just one more blessing in that garden.
I must say you are both mightly blessed. Talent, family and friendship. What more could a person need?
Eden is right. If only we could grow that in Canada. Sigh. Mark Twain said, "Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” For me, great gardens are that way. My garden is One year old this week. I have SO far to go!
What a pretty pond! There's something about those who keep ponds...
What a nice story. Thank you so much for introducing us to Debi and her work!
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