They were used to catch, tree, or hole wild game for the family’s food. Until the 1940s, these dogs were part of the way of life for the frontiersmen. They used money from sold furs that their dogs hunted to provide for their families. The exact origins of this breed are undocumented, as there was no need for an official pedigree among the pioneers.
The Mountain Cur was declared a breed in 1957 with the organization of the Original Mountain Cur Breeders of America (OMCBA). The most common strains of Mountain Cur included the McConnell, Stephens, Ledbetter, Arline and York strains, the categories being named after the owners of the dogs."
"The colors of Mountain Curs of early days are dominant today. Brindle, yellow, black and blue. Some have white markings... All these dogs have the same general traits, such as strong treeing instinct on all game, courageous fighters and intelligence. The Mountain Cur today is still a varmint dog! Hunting whatever game his master wants. He is also a guard dog, farm dog and family protector. This dog is put down and ridiculed by some uninformed people because of the word "Cur". In Mountain Cur the word "Cur" is used idiomatically and has NO meaning of "low" or "worthless".
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Low or worthless? Perish the thought! He's noble! |
Now, as I understand it, there are three varieties of Mountain Cur, bred for coloration and conformation. One of the smaller ones is the Treeing Tennessee Brindle.
Again from AKC's website:
"In the words of Treeing Tennessee Brindle Breeders founder, Rev. Earl Phillips: “Our original breeding stock came from outstanding brindle tree dogs from every part of the country.” Many came from the Appalachian Mountains, Ozark Mountains and the places in between.
In the early 1960s, Rev. Earl Phillips wrote a column for a national hunting dog magazine. By way of his magazine column, Rev. Phillips gathered a wealth of information about these brindle-colored Cur dogs and the people that had or knew about them. Those people who corresponded with Rev. Phillips commended these brindle Cur dogs on their hunting and treeing abilities. There was a group that were trying to promote Cur dogs of different colors but none were trying to exclusively find, preserve and promote the brindle Cur dogs.
"Early in 1967, Rev. Phillips contacted many of the people that he had corresponded with about brindle Cur dogs. He suggested the formation of an organization to preserve and promote these dogs. On March 21, 1967 the Treeing Tennessee Brindle Breeders Association was formed and recognized as a legal organization by the State of Illinois. The purpose of this Association is to breed a dog brindle in color, smaller in size, with a shorter ear and different in conformation than the Plott. The dog may have dew claws and white feet and breast. By selective breeding, this dog can have great scenting power, be an open trailer with good voice, and retain the great uncanny ability of the Old Brindle Cur dog to tree all kinds of game."
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You coming along, Ma? |
"The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is another variation of the coonhounds of America. They are smaller than other coonhounds, however, and only range from around 16 to 24 inches. They have catlike paws, and a choppy bawl for a bark. With small ears and a brindle body, this breed is discouraged from changing size, ear length, tail, or colors so that it doesn't also change category. Treeing Tennessee Brindles are good at open trailing and locating prey. Courageous hunters and companions, the Treeing Tennessee Brindle is said to have an abundance of "heart and try." They are a sensitive breed, however, and owners warn never to mistreat the breed. This breed can be more sensitive than normal toward neglect or abuse, and it is thought that once you mistreat them they will never treat you the same again. They are good natured and friendly dogs, getting along with anyone and everyone. This breed is intelligent, alert, and vocal. They love to bark because it is usually their job. The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is a an American breed with a strong work drive and friendly demeanor."
He loves everyone, but is very sensitive to tone of voice, and you don't have to correct him over and over. He remembers, he listens, and he wears his feelings on his sleeve.
At least that's what I think. See if you agree. I'm not going to drop $200 on a cheek swab DNA test. I pretty much know what I'm looking at. Lil' ol' good for nothin' cur.
Awesome detective work, Julie! I had never heard of this breed. Curtis looks like a winner!
I thought Catahoula too, but how neat that he's a closer to home Cur breed. My brother had a Red Cur named Brown when we were young guys. His name was Brown.
He was awesome.
Have we heard Curt's voice yet?
So, he's kin to Old Yeller!
Thanks for identifying Curtis' breed. I was wondering at first if he had pitbull in him too. Good to know there is such a thing as a Treeing Cur breed! Brindle to boot!
I have one that looks like him - brindle with a black mask - the vet calls it a black mouthed cur. We got her out of a box at the grocery store 13 years ago.
Great sleuthing, Julie! I love knowing what kind of doggie Curtis is. Yes, he sure is a well-loved "Lil' ol' good for nothin' cur." He's got a big fan club already. Such a lucky pup.
Remember Jack the faithful brindle dog from the Little House on the Prairie books? I'm pretty sure he must have been one of those pioneer cur dogs. (His death in "By the Shores of Silver Lake" rips me into pieces to this very day.) Anyway, Curtis seems like a damn fine dog. I'm very happy for you, Curtis, and the whole family.
You found the cur in Curtis!
Yes, the Information Age IS great in so many ways – and your example is prime! I hope his hunting drive doesn't cause problems on your jaunts or at Indigo Hill; wouldn't want to give up seeing your wonderful wildlife photographs. Although seeing Curtis looking so regal and happy might be just enough of a trade-off. ;-) I LOVE how fast he has accepted his new home and person; it took our rescue bulldog longer, and he was only a year and a half when he arrived. Before him we had two brindle bulldogs, and it remains a favorite pattern (vying only with Jackson's black tri-color).
My goodness! He's a CURtis! Amazing. I just met my first Cackawacka Leopard Dog (sorry, I can never remember the name) just a few weeks ago. I thought maybe the guy was making it up, but the truth is it's just not a dog seen much around the Pacific NW. Now. What are we going to do about his nature of going after critters? I am assuming he will listen to your uh-uh.
I love that he comes out of the mountains
I think the eyes have it!
A couple of Twitter tweets with Treeing Tennessee Brindles:
As someone who has been actively involved in dog rescue for 15 yrs I read your Curtis posts w/ smiles, and also tears brimming-----you evoke so beautifully Julie the whole experience of finding "your dog." And I speculated to my husband yesterday that you had done got yourself a FINE cur, only to gleefully read this tonight. And....another variety of southern dog w/ a grand and long history is the Feist. I speak from personal knowledge on that one! :-) Congratulations and lots of love to you and Curtis. Many happy days ahead for sure.
Fabulous! We have black mouth (yellow) curs in west florida but Curtis didnt have any black on his tongue! I've been eyeing the yellow curs from west floribama!He's a dandy by golly!
This is so cool, so fun, so awesome! What a dog. "The Mountain Cur Dog is a clever dog but can be quite naughty." I like that part, and simply love photos of Curtis, especially when he has the zoomies, shades of Chet all googly-eyed.
Learning something new. Good sluething
Wonder how 'cur' acquired its negative connotation, especially since these must've been so useful and valuable.
CURtis the CUR! There are NO accidents. He is one lucky bundle of brindle to have found you, Julie. Mazel Tov to both of you for being open and accepting of G-d's will.
Have you heard his voice yet? Does he bark? Swee'pea - who is not a Cur, but may have some hound mixed in with her pit and whatever else - never made a sound when we first got her. Almost 4 years later now, she has a rather howly sounding bark that she deploys when an arrival takes her by surprise. Maybe she had to feel certain we were hers before she took on the job of defending us from intruders? Anyway - your delight at finding pictures of Curtii all over the web reminded me of how I googled "Bugg" when we first brought Bugsy home. It turned out that there were pictures of him all over too! Boston/Pug crosses seem to breed a very particular looking dog. The markings vary, but the shape and face are very consistent.
We had a black mouthed cur rescue - best dog ever! He was so smart and funny and so incredibly loving. We miss him terribly but hope there’s a cur out there for us looking for a forever home. (Virginia)
Honestly, I'm not sure the DNA test is worth it. My parents' neighbor did it for their very sweet dog, who is pretty much pitbull all over--and it came back "mostly poodle". So either the service got the swabs mixed up, or... :P
So there's a breed called a Treeing Tennessee Brindle! As a Tennessee native, I'm delighted--and some of my friends would say that the label describes me pretty well.
Anyway, I continue to delight in the Curtis posts. All the best to all of you.
So Cur is a breed now? I hope you still got a dog with all that versatility, adaptability hardiness and just plain loveliness that I so like in our mixed breeds that mostly come from the rez or Mexico. There is nothing better! And Curtis (great name!) looks like he got it all.
Welcome home, Cur-Cur-Curtis! Thank you, in advance, for the joy and adventure you will bring to this family. Fate has given you a mission, and I believe that you are up to it.
So cooool to read of Curtis's impact on Bill in his latest update! Hope I'm not stealing any thunder to link to it below.
Had a friend once who survived Non-Hodgkins' Lymphoma and always felt their empathic Sheltie played an important role in the treatment!
He's so handsome! Also, let it be noted that I read those AKC passages in the voice of the announcer from the Westminster Dog Show on TV. Welcome, Curtis! You hit the dog lottery!
Fascinating lineage, and such a beautiful Cur. A wonderful addition to your Whipple family! Jim Mc
What a fantastically good story and bravo on the research. Curtis has a most handsome (and kindly) countenance! :)
Julie, I love reading your posts. I know many things are hard and complicated right now, but know that those of us who follow and love you and your blog will be here when you are ready to write again. Hang in there. Hugs, Caroline
I was absolutely filled with joy to hear you got a new pup! Just found out on your latest GoFundMe update today, so went to your Facebook page to see all the photos. He's sure a gorgeous dog - and obviously meant to be with you. So very, very happy for you, Julie!
As an owner,trainer and fancier of the OMC breed i found your article to be an enjoyable read.
My Endsley is a brindle cur- possibly crossed with Pitt with a round circular tail like yours.he's from central ohio
To anyone who has a Treeing Tennessee, does your dog have very muscular back legs and considerably high flexibility in their shoulders and hips? I adopted a dog that was picked up around Page, AZ and was claimed to be a Plott, but everything about him says Treeing Tennessee. Just curious - every dog is different and I’ve always had Labs, so it would be nice to better understand how to train and understand his motivations.
@ZombieRunner, yes--I call Curtis' hind legs his "turbothrusters." Very flexible, and can turn on a dime. Curtis frequently wrenches a shoulder doing just that, though, in high-speed pursuit. The hard part is mandating his resting periods. As soon as he feels better he's off again, doing his thing.My son says he's like Goku in Dragonball Z.
I've found him tough to train. I've been the one trained--to let him go, and to trust him to return. Beau's Bells and a tracking collar (I use a Marco Polo) help IMMENSELY with my peace of mind. I can hear him barking deep in the woods as I write. He's been out for two hours and I'm not holding my breath for him to come back soon.
I enjoyed reading your posts about Curtis. We found them because we recently adopted a stray dog that we helped to capture, which people at the shelter identified as a Mountain Cur. She looks a lot like Curtis in build and coloration (she's a bit larger, but I read that the Tennessee Brindles are smaller than other Mountain Curs), and also a lot like the photo of a Mountain Cur on the Wikipedia page for that breed (and various other photos on the Web). However, my brother and sister-in-law gave us a DNA test kit, and according to the DNA results, she's a mixture of Boxer, Golden Retriever, Chow Chow, Labrador Retriever, and German Shepherd!!! We were pleased when we thought that she was a Mountain Cur, but we don't love her any less knowing that she isn't. In any case, the company that did the test, Embark, is offering $50 off their Breed + Health Kit (normally $150) to a person I refer to them. If you would be interested in having Curtis' DNA analyzed and only spend half of $200, I would be happy to send the coupon to you.
Ooh Unknown that sounds very intriguing! Could you please email me at this address: julieATjuliezickefooseDOTCOM?
(I've coded the address because bots can grab it off here if I put it in normal form). Thank you!! More to tell here...
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