Sledding is a very intimate way of appreciating the landscape. You can look at a snowy hill, and think how beautiful it is, but putting your nether bits in direct contact with its contours is a whole 'nother thing.
It's a hugely exciting thing to hurtle down a steep slope, feeling every bump and groundhog burrow under a too-thin covering of snow. Our fastest sled is thin plastic; it cost $6.99 and it fits four people on it. We were given another by a neighbor that cost $130 and while the thick foam insulates from some of the crueler bumps, it's not as much fun as the Green Menace. Saucers generally suck; I don't like going 30 mph backwards and being dumped off without warning. The inflatable, inner-tube style has a lot of potential and is a lot easier on aging tailbones than the aforementioned. There's a lot of spinning with those, too, but it's a cushier ride.
I love the processional out to the slope. Out the driveway, under the drooping snowy pines.

The sumac branches are laden with snow.

Oona tells Liam to MUSH!!

The slopes are prime for sledding. That's a big bowl of a hayfield. We are most thankful that the farmer who leases it didn't pasture cattle there last fall. Frozen cowpies are incredibly painful when they connect with your rump through a thin plastic sled.

This is Veronica.

The common denominators being crippling cuteness and a sturdy build.

It's hard to get Oona to go down the slope on a sled or saucer. She much prefers to give people a mighty shove and send them down, then watch from the top.

Oh Man, I wanna see David's sled in action!! Cooool (although it looks a little hard to steer)!
Ooh, it's been so long since I went sledding. We had a perfect hill in our neighborhood where I grew up. My best friend's dad worked in the produce department of a grocery store and would bring home cardboard fruit boxes that were waxed on the inside. We'd flatten those boxes, put the wax side down and scream down the hill like Clark Griswold!
I miss sledding! We had a sideyard slope that was just steep enough to send us all the way into the backyard.
Love those cows!
That second photo made my heart sing. Sweet sledding memories flooding. I'd love to sled again. Baker, cuddling inside, is just right for him.
Great winter photos!! Our streets here were filled with kids and their sleds the past few days.
Where can I get a pair of pink butterfly glasses like Oona's?
Love the snowy scenes!
Is Bill of the Birds wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hat? (That would explain his powers over the fairer sex.)
I have to admit, I haven't been sledding in years...many....many years. But sure looks like you all are having BIG fun! Maybe I just need to invest in my own Green Menace and give it a whirl.
However...I do have an eye for the terminal cuteness of calves....and Holy Cow! Veronica is a cutie pie!
The fact that this event was the most exciting thing these girls have seen since last winter...that's OK. I think that over-all...cows aren't too big on "excitment"! This sledding party will hold 'em for a while.
Sue Roberts
Great pictures! In Austin, it snows so seldom (maybe three times in my lifetime), that people use cardboard boxes for sledding.
Hmm....Chet Baker, Abby, and Veronica are all the same colors! What can it mean?? It must be something very important...black and white, black and white, or have I had too much tequila?
What the cows must be thinking, yes,...but, of all family memories, sledding and crusty mittens rank at the very top of my list.
And aren't snowy profile pics the best!
Whoa! Amazing blog redesign! So THAT'S what you were talkin' about...
Oooo, look at your spiffy new blog look! Nice job!
P.S. I almost cried at work over the gorilla post.
Great new blog look! Very fun and matches you.
WOW! took me about 7 microseconds to get used to the new look and love it... feel sorry for the Chet addicts though who are going to be spending ALL day here clicking through past entries (remember to get up and stretch every now and then, and eat something, and go the bathroom).
Oh, Julie, how do you do it? You constantly awake old, dormant memories of winter days in Southeast Ohio, and with it a desire to return. I was doing just fine until the wide shot of the hayfield. Sigh....
Oona, Veronica, you look fantastic in your winter gear. Enjoy the snow.
Julie, this is my first visit, and before I even began to read the article, my web developer brain was shouting, "Wow, nice design!" Well done, and congrats.
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