I'm sure all of you have a certain friend with a genius for coming up with the perfect gift. My friend Jen Sauter gives the perfect gift with no warning, just because. And I always squawk like a parrot when I open them, because they're...perfect.
Jen loooooves Chet Baker, and when we get together we talk in Chet Baker talk practically the whole time.

How much does she love Baker? Well, when her sister needed a puppeh, Jen directed her to Chet
Baker's breeder, Jane.Some of you will remember Booker T.

The last time Booker came to visit was last July. Now he towers over Chet! He was long and lean as a puppeh, promising to be a big boy.

But back to the perfect gift, which Jen gave us when we were in West Virginia.
It's called
Pet's Eye View. It's a tiny lightweight camera that hangs from a pet's collar and takes photos at a chosen interval (1, 15 or 30 minutes). Could there be anything more perfect than to see the world through Chet Baker's eyes? I squealed!
The following photos were taken by Chet Baker in the space of about an hour in his busy life. I'll let Chet narrate:

I wish Mether would stop drawing and let me out. I want to bake myself in the sun.

Much better. I like the sun. It has been so rainy lately that I have not had a chance to bake. I can drink out of Mether's muck bucket rainbarrel.

I have a very nice front yard. Mether's rosemary tree is getting big.

I will flop down here for awhile. Zzzzz.

But there might be a chiptymunk by the pond. I run across the patio. I almost trip on Mether's sundial every time. My jowls are getting long!

I am standing on the back deck, looking for deer and bunnehs. My soft throat folds get in the way again. Sorry about that.

Time to head down the stairs and make another chiptymunk and bunneh patrol. I am a busy dog. Mether calls me Offisa Pupp.

I am back. Now I want in again. I see my Air Dog donut, but where is Mether? There is a hole in this screen just the size of my head. I remember when that happened. I saw a deer.

Finally. Mether let me in, and I flop down on the cool tile in the foyer. It is hot outside. I took a lot of pictures of this view.

Mether is still planting things. Here are her boots, and all her seeds for the garden. I like it when she works outside. Hmm. Where is Mether?

I see her feet under her drawing table. There is a doorstop that is supposed to look like me.

And there is Mether, kneeling down to kiss me! This is not the best picture of Mether. I will try to get another one. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my world. I will take some more pictures soon.
Chet Baker
Yay! The Chet Cam! I have been waiting for this!
Jen does rock.
OH my what will they think of next?
Love it.
Especially the view through the "soft folds"--how does Chet Baker get those shots?
I just saw this the other day and wanted to get one for my cat. I love it - great new perspective.
Wonderful to see your world through Chet Baker's eyes!
Just when you thought it couldn't get any more Chetalicious. Love those jowls and whiskers.
I love the Chet Cam! It made my day!
Just a simple request: could you maybe slip that Chet Cam on Baker and turn him loose in the Big Woods of Arkansas for a week or so... kinda curious to see what he might come up with!
How fun to see what Chet sees.
What until Chet turns pro- there'll be no living with him!
I have been SO waiting for the Chet-cam photos. Love them, of course. None from New River? Perhaps that is because a fair number of them would be intimate photos of Chet and I kissing - maybe he is being discrete for my sake. After all, "what happens at Opossum Creek stays at Opossum Creek."
O.M.G. This is too cool! I would have squealed, too! What fun to see the world as Chet sees it!
Oh, my goodness! Could anyone think of a more perfect gift? Only one problem: the camera sees in color, and my understanding is that Chet does not.
My favorite shot: the stair view!!
I want one! Do you think they make horse cams?
I know blog gold when I sees it.
That was amazing!
Very cool.
There was one good picture from the New River session, but I lost it because I didn't download and save it within 5 hours. The little thing has its own rules. Rats.
I'm sure this would work on a horse, a child, whatever. I just wish it had better photo quality, and a better attachment system--Chet has shaken his off three times! Still and all it's a HOOT.
Julie, are those purple martin gourds I spotted?
Love the BakerCam. And people say that dogs just lie around doing nothin'.
So cool! I must get one of these for L! Of course, he would probably lose it deep in the woods, like he always loses his collar light. (We can usually find that when it pops off, though, because it stays lit up.)
What will they think of next? What a cool idea!!
Oh yeah, Baker did a great job on the photos and the narration. Will he be getting his own blogsite?
Just what a needed to see during a dismal week.
Maybe you can apply for a grant like they did with the original crittercam?
This is great! Maybe Chet can work out a promotional deal with the manufacturer.
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