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Liam is 24!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

This sweet fella turns 24 today! I miss PoPo, the soft and squishy version of Liam,  whose ears stuck out so adorably. As you grew, they laid back. Boo! 

PoPo at 5

Liam at 19 or so, giving me the same smile, making his mama's heart sing with a selfie from the campus of West Virginia University.

When I saw that his eyes matched Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains where our ancestors came from, I had to get this photo. I know I've used it in other birthday posts, but I love it so. And I love him so. 

I've been with you every step of the way--from those epic nine first steps in a row when you were nearly 21 months old, to the biggest step of all--moving out in early October to sail the work/home/life sea by yourself at last! 

You've picked a great city--our beloved Columbus--and a great company--Trader Joe's--in which to live and work.  Both the city and the company are big-hearted and friendly, like you. It is a pure delight to see you appreciated and supported in a job you love. It's a marvel!

With help from your good cousin Gus, you've got a Real House to live in at an affordable rate, and friends your own age to hang with. Hooray for that! Those are in real short supply here in Whipple. You're finally getting a true 20-something guy experience!

Thank you, dear Gooshy, for making Liam's landing in Columbus so soft and easy!

Once you get in the rhythm of work and life, I feel sure the drawings will begin to flow. Can't keep a talent like yours under wraps. Work that art muscle, son! Grab a concept and go with it!

Pretty darn fabulous neighborhood, with such interesting walks leading in every direction.

Within just a short walk, you and I can look at houses like this and dream! 

Victorian Village is the place for house dreams.

And you're only two hours away. So when you get to missing us like we miss you 

                                                   (and some Cwummy weawwy misses you!)

you can zip down here. And I promise when I get my crazy-glass greenhouse situation under control, I will be coming up for some long walks, a little retail/restaurant therapy and a good visit with my lovely son. I want to hear all your stories, preferably over a fine meal of someone else's provenance.

I know that, where adult kids are concerned, no news is good news. I heartily support this sudden move out of the harbor. Just know that the Mothership will always be here to throw you a line, give you a tow, and help set your keel straight. I am delighted to see you at the wheel at long last.

Happy birthday, beautiful boy. I couldn't be prouder of you. 

Fair winds and following seas to you!


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