This little miracle,
this pile of green leaves
that hasn't done much of anything for two years
but grow and put a shoot out now and then

all of a fine sudden sends up a stalk
with a knobby end to it
A head, hooded

It's a bud, of course, and you weren't expecting it,
hadn't dared to hope for it
Figured you didn't deserve it
Must've done something wrong

but oh, here it comes! and it reaches
higher each day and changes each hour
so you keep checking it morning, noon and night

and it winds up taking days to open
Each stage more delicious than the last
The bud giving hints of the flower within

But you could never imagine
when it finally springs open and says

that there would be a Muppet inside
who sounds like Grover, gravelly, but very polite.
Hello, and how are you this fine morning?

And I am happy to see you
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Paphiopedalum spicerianum "Boss" x P. spicerianum "St. Elsewhere"
Purchased in bloom 5/07, Franklin Park Conservatory, Columbus, Ohio
Rebloomed 10/09, in my bedroom. This flower was twice as big as its first.
The Paphiopedalums are represented in North America by the lady's slipper orchids.
P. spicerianum is native to limestone cliffs in Bhutan, at the foothills of the Himalayas.
That I can grow it in a bedroom at the foothills of the Appalachians is, to me, a little miracle.
Read more about its culture requirements here.
what an awesome little picture story you tell here....it totally made me smile and i just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you ;-)
How beautiful! I bought one a few years ago which had not yet bloomed. I was never able to get it to bloom and after a few years it just expired. Oh well....back to the drawing board! I love the little muppet inside!
Ha! The first almost open pic even before I read the text, I thought 'There's a funny little monster face looking at me!'
I'm glad it was a Grover-type. I always loved Grover best and think he was underrated. That little face is very Groverish.
Yes, that's Grover! I love that little muppet... almost as much I as love your style. Thanks ;-)
Oh I hope the paph on my desk at school will send up a happy surprise like that for my kids!
Ours is named "Chuck", he looks more like Pete's Dragon, Elliot, than Grover.
Yowza--that's some bloom.
Love it!
And the Grover comment is just perfect.
"It looks like a muppet" was the first thought I had when I saw the first open shot. What a kick to see that you thought the same thing.
The anticipation of the flower is nearly as delicious as the bloom itself when it finally opens.
Love the face. The large lower pouch actually makes me think of the Yip Yip aliens from Sesame Street.
How great! Awesome photos. Paphs are my favourite, but I have no luck with them. They remind me of the native terrestrial orchids, which is probably why I love them so much.
I stopped into a local florist's today; the small corner shop was filled with orchids in bloom, and smelled wonderfully moist and earthy. I told her about your Muppet blossom, and we talked about the incredible trippiness of orchids. She's the only florist I know who stocks fragrant, luscious English roses (and sometimes, checkered lilies). I relieved her of a few, along with a couple of agapanthus stems. You would LOVE her place!
So there's hope for my Nobby's Amy yet!
Love every minute I spend reading and admiring your Blog. You have a gift and each time you take the kids and Chet out for a walk I am in that walk with you. The fresh air, trees,leaves, children laughing, birds,Chet and his friends, I am immersed in it all. I am always focusing on the point that I am looking thru your eyes and you are behind the lense. I found your Blog about 2 years ago and have been lurking behind you all the way. Don't stop letting us into your walks and adventures, for your life is truly a gift for all of us to enjoy. You are a quiet blessing in my day with each fresh note you type.
I have but one request, Is there any way we can get a glimpse of the Macaw? I have one myself and would like a vision of yours also.
Keep letting us walk with you. Thank You, Jonette
Wonderful orchid, What a blessing she is, life awakens. it was always there waiting to brighten your day with a surprise, you just found out.
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