In September of 2018, I fell back in love with a plant I had grown way back in the early 1990's, when there were a couple of great greenhouses still operating in my area and more cool plants were available. Salvia patens, or Gentian Sage, or Salvia "Blue Angel" it what you will; this plant has The Blue of All Blues in the largest Salvia flowers I know of. Gentian blue, delphinium blue, royal, true BLUE.
Native to Mexico, its species name, patens, means "spreading." And it does spread, sending up multiple stalks on a semi-prostrate central stem, to form a delicious mound.
It blooms more or less continuously throughout late summer, right up to frost.
Hazelhurst's Salvia patens plants, 09/2018
Here I was in a garden at an estate called Hazelhurst north of Wausau, Wisconsin in late September 2018, beholding this treasured plant once again. My heart beating almost out of my chest, I peeked into the leafy calyx of a spent blossom. And there beheld four seeds! Carefully, I extracted them, then two more, and folded them into a bit of paper in my pocket to carry home.
Being excited, I planted them too early that winter, and I got one plant in my greenhouse that lived through in a spindly way until the spring. I set it out and it made some seeds in the fall of 2019. I've been collecting seeds and growing Salvia patens since then. For the last three winters, I've made sure to dig up some plants to bring into the greenhouse, to overwinter on its cold, but not freezing, floor. Here's a winter rosette that came up from some roots I dug. It'll just perk along like this all winter until it warms up enough to be planted out. I'm so glad I saved a rootball over; that'll jumpstart my flowers come spring. Note that it is on the floor of the greenhouse, which keeps it from trying to grow very much. I need to keep it semi-dormant until closer to the time I can plant it out (mid-May).

I'm hooked on that blue. Overwintered roots; seeds; I want all the insurance I can get, that I'll have this plant in my garden from here on out. AND--they are highly deer-resistant! Yep, one more reason to love them. The four maurauding deer who have invaded my gardens actually ate around them last fall! The foliage is strongly scented, being in the mint family, and both hairy and sticky, and those three things tend to deter deer from eating them.
I suspect their primary pollinator is bumblebees, though there were always hummingbirds hanging around that bed, too.
Last summer of 2022, I got serious about collecting seeds from my plants. The plants didn't even begin to set seed until September. I suspect they tired of me poking around in their ovaries, but it was hard to wait until they were ripe! Here's a split calyx with four ripening seeds inside. They're big, like the flowers.
Ripe seeds turn black. Notice the size of that flower! Just huge.
Generally, you'll get two seeds per fertilized flower. Four if you're really lucky.
Gentian sage is the definition of precious and rare, at least to me. I so enjoyed harvesting the seeds, checking every day to see which ones had ripened.
I planted some seeds on January 13, and they started coming up about 7-10 days later. They have two large heart-shaped cotyledons. Between those two hearts springs a little plant with opposite leaves. I should have nice little plants to set out by mid-May.
These are three-week-old plants. They're very satisfying to plant and grow from seed.
You really don't need a greenhouse. They'll sprout from seed on a sunny windowsill. When it warms up real good and they're big and strong, plant them out in sun or part shade and keep them moist until they're well-established. I'm sure they'd grow in containers as well. The mature plant should be about 2' high by 2-3' across by September, so space accordingly! It lives over the winter in zone 8-10, but should be treated as an annual (whose roots you can overwinter in the pot in a bright cool spot) anywhere else.
I love this plant so much I want to share it. BUT I AM SOLD OUT as of 7:40 pm Feb. 20 2023. I am offering a set of six seeds for $20. Which includes shipping. This is steep, I know, but they're rare; I am not a professional producer, and these plants are durn stingy with their seeds! I'll gather more this coming fall if there seems to be demand for them. I don't know about you, but I NEED these huge lippy blue flowers in my garden.
If you'd like to buy a packet, please go to and make your payment of $20 via the PayPal link there.
Where it says "Add a Message," please provide your mailing address!
If you don't give me your address I can't send the seeds.
If you run into problems, please email me at juliezickefooseATgmailDOTcom and provide your mailing address. I'll send the seeds by US mail.
I'm sorry, I won't be accepting checks by mail for this offer; I suspect they're going to go too fast.
Again, you must provide me your MAILING ADDRESS in the "Add a Message" section on Paypal.
I can't send you the seeds without that. If you miss the "Add a Message" notice on Paypal as you make your payment, email me at juliezickefooseATgmailDOTcom with your address, and you'll get your seeds.
When they're gone, and I suspect they will go fast, I'll immediately update the blogpost to indicate that and put a note in the comments. SOLD OUT Evening Feb. 20. And I'll grow more this summer. :) Those wee seedlings have some work to do!
I'll put the proceeds toward the glass lean-to greenhouse I've been dreaming about for, well, all my life. :)
The Groanhouse has had a ten-year run, and it's served me well, but it is disintegrating.
Time to think bigger and much, much better.
I'm still trying to wrangle people to come together to dig footers, pour a new pad, build the foundation, and assemble the glass, which will be delivered in a kit from
Botanical Greenhouse Builders LLC, out of Rocky River, Ohio. The goal is to have a real greenhouse by frost time (Halloween) 2023. Being my own general contractor for this project been a big learning experience, and I won't lie, it's been very frustrating to try to line up so many different crafstpeople, but I am nothing if not determined. I am still trying to get this thing pulled together and rolling, after two months of steady pressure.
If, being optimistic, I've got twenty more years to live in this wonderful house, I want to walk out of my bedroom and into a real greenhouse, one that's insulated and sturdy and won't need to be held together with ten rolls of Gorilla Tape, applied each fall. This, I have earned.
Friday, February 24, 2023